Monday, November 17, 2008

Why a way to another?

I was 13 years of age, when my friend told me about a dairy. It was called My Friend Dairy. On this diary you can write: your daily activity, how it was your day, tests of your daily behavior, payers for those in need and a sentence from the Holy Bible. It was very interesting so I began to follow this dairy. My family is not a very religious one, they like other normal families; mass on Sunday and catechism that’s all. The more days and years passed by, the more something was happing until I understood what it was. I needed someone to love and love me in return; I didn’t know what the meaning of a relationship with Jesus in those days. My family love me very much but not that kind of love. I’ve continued searching, my brother tried to help me too, he sets date with his friend but it never worked. The more the days passed the more I was convinced that this love never exists, its just fantasy. One day in the being of June 1999, I was so frustrate with this tough in my mind, and said this words, “I don’t want to know about love any more, I don’t want to listen even its word, LOVE DOES NOT EXIST”. In that day forward I’ve stared to practice witchcrafts, tarots, white and black magic. My acts started to be very evil and do evil things.

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